Wednesday, 27 July 2016

9 Healthy tips to loose your weight - Ora Regenesis Spa

  1. Dance or do aerobics at home with kids, No one is watching you. If you like, include the little ones and turn it into a game Even five to 10 minutes will elevate your energy and speed your metabolism.
  2. Get into some vigorous sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming while the kids are at school by doing such types of housekeeping activities can help to burn effective number of calories.
  3. Elevator makes our work simple but we all know the benefits of using stairs. Always make practice of walking down the stairs. likewise try to walk instead of taking bus or auto for a short distance this may add a lot of heart-healthy walking.
  4. While watching movies on TV instead of sitting ideal try to do some exercises or simply do yoga.
  5. In a sedentary job, take your breaks outdoors and have a brisk, short walk. It helps to improve your concentration.
  6. If you are on phone or  listening to songs, while dinner is cooking then stretch your body and do simple yoga moves 
  7. Find the high-energy items on your to-do list and tackle these when you need physical activity. Think about digging the garden, washing the car, re-organizing a closet or mowing the lawn.
  8. Every day get up early and utilize this time for a run, a walk, or some stretching and yoga.
  9. After all this work that you have done, pamper yourself at a spa. Get a massage or better a full day spa in Bangaluru can be as energizing as ever. Regular‪ massages‬ also aid weight loss !

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